Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Generation Grognards

The main reason I went to SoCal Smackdown last weekend was to play in Brunomac's OD&D Dungeon Crawl on Saturday afternoon. This was a continuation of a game he started at the SoCal Mini-Con III, but that I wasn't able to participate in at the time. It sounded like too much fun, so I didn't want to miss out this time around.

Besides being a fun fast-moving low-level dungeon stomp, it was also kind of a remarkable game because most of the players at the table, 4 or 5 of them, were first-generation D&D players who started with the little brown books back in the 1970s. It struck me that I've never really been at the table with a whole group of grognard players like this before. Before we started the game, it was interesting hearing them chatting about the big Orange County D&D group that used to meet at Cal State Fullerton back in the late 70s. It also turns out that a couple of these guys started the first O.C. gaming convention back in the day (OrcCon - which was bought out by Strategicon and moved to L.A. - long story, yawn).

So I pulled out my little Collector's Edition whitebox thinking I was all cool and maybe could hang, and one of the guys jokingly says "I don't know what this whitebox stuff is all about, I always played this..." and he pulls out his original battered woodgrain OD&D set. He also had a clipboard with notes and tables he used at the original Dundracon 35 years ago. Awesome...

Anyway, it was a raucous and jolly game led by Brunomac, a hilarious loudmouthed DM. We were boozing it up while our characters were massacring kobolds, slipping in goblin poop, and hacking at gelatinous cubes. Beautiful afternoon!


  1. As I mentioned on Brunomac's blog, you guys have combined to completely blow my elaborate cover ... Good Lord, my picture up on a website! But no matter, it was all worth it, as Brunomac's game was a great one, which brought back a lot of memories. Such as that summer of 1976 when I first experienced D&D -- and also, along with several other people, assisted a fellow named James John Meyers in putting together the first Orccon convention, held in January 1977 at Cal State Fullerton. An eventful summer! I can only hope we will have more such summers, and will be able to get together for another game soon!

  2. @Fred: Don't worry, I won't reveal your true name! It was fun gaming with you - I hope we can do it again soon! Sorry I had to miss out on your evening game!

  3. Nice, man. Looked like a fine time. :)

  4. Fred, I removed your last name! Sorry bro.

    Thanx Cyc, and thanks for the rum and coke! Heh heh, for sure a loudmouth DM when it;s boozy time.

    It did feel like history, didn;t it? Just awesome to DM for this great old timer group!

  5. Oh, by the way bro, your page comes up adult content at my work now. What are you hiding in here?

  6. @Brunomac: Adult content...? Hmmm, that kind of sucks. I tried retroactively censoring out the s-words from this last post, so maybe that will help. Also, I know there are two illustrations hidden away in older posts that have BOOBS in them (oh no!), but I don't see how the Google Overlord Censorship Authority would have detected those so easily.

  7. Wow, that sounds awesome. My wife and I have a running joke about how I will be in my 60s and still getting together with some friends to play a little game of D&D instead of a game of shuffleboard or something.
