Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Half million hits (!) and a hiatus for miniature gaming

Wow. I noticed this blog has now exceeded 500,000 hits and 600 followers (counting Blogger and G+). It's a mystery to me why this is the case since I haven't been adding much content for the last year or two. Old posts still get a ton of hits from Google searches though...

Real life has gotten intense lately with serious time pressures from my job and family life. It's all wonderful stuff, but it's hard to handle late nights of gaming when the spawn awaken at 6am every morning.

So yeah, without actual play inspiration the blog has slowed to almost nothing - especially since the second born arrived. I'm pretty much on RPG hiatus at the moment because I can't handle long games and this Spring semester I'm going to be super busy. I need way more sleep than the normal person to function properly.

My gaming lately has focused more on stuff I can do in bite-sized chunks of time. Skirmish-scale miniatures mostly. In particular X-Wing Miniatures, which is totally fun and looks really cool on the table. I am also painting up a Warmachine faction (Menoth) for imminent deployment. I can play these skirmish games in ~1 hour, which fits my life right now. I can also paint minis in the evening, which is something that I find supremely calming.

Han Solo versus Boba Fett. Fun stuff.

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