Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Animal People

New sculptures by Kate Clark.


  1. cool, more stuff to have nightmares about...

  2. Reverse Theriocephali...humanocephali? Exactly the sort of critters you'd find running around certain disreputable islands and wizard towers...

  3. Oh man, that's effed up right there. lol thanks Cyc. Ok ok, there's nothing wrong with it. Art.. "interesting" as Zak said.

    Certainly brings to mind the human faced lamb (warning: not safe for life).

  4. Great, now I know what's going to crawl out of the nightmare closet tonight!

  5. Oh wow. I'll never sleep again.

    - Ark

  6. I cast Sleep and then cut them open looking for gems and magical organs!

  7. Cool images, thanks for posting them. That they all look like northern Europeans takes a bit of the edge off of these creatures. I need to cultivate my suspension of disbelief further to look at the sculptures and not say, "That thing has government mandated health care, and I don't", rather than "Oh that's fucking freaky."

    If these were wandering monsters I'm sure the party would be shooting first and asking questions later, though of course we'd probably live to regret it.

  8. HOW MANY XP????!??!

  9. Joesky does bring up a valid question. So how much?

    (dying laughing)

    - Ark

  10. when we commission the statue of Prince Spanky to commemorate his noble sacrifice, I now know who to turn to
