Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Saddest Google Search in the World

My hit counter tracks search engine keywords people use to find my blog. Usually I get hits from searches like "gary gygax", "erol otus", or "gamma world". Yesterday I got a hit from the saddest keywords in the world:

"how to solo larp"

I can't decide if this is beautiful, depressing, hilarious, or genius. So many possible pictures come to mind... A title for a poem? An innovative new form of gaming? First line of a suicide note? Maybe they just want to learn to play harp and made a typo...?


  1. I didn't catch it, and even google translater apparently doesn't know the meaning of "larp". Can you please illuminate me?

  2. I think a lot of us are solo larping all the time. "Cast spell 'Look Interested at Work!'....spell failure!"

  3. @Il Male - LARP = live action role playing. It is when people wear costumes and act out their games from a first person perspective. So a "solo larp" would be someone wearing a costume talking to himself... Maybe looking in a mirror...?

  4. I'm on to you mirrorverse me... I know you're working for the slitherins.. what? no! I will never give up.. ahhhhhhhh +1 +1 +1 *Kersmash*

  5. That is hilarious! I really need to look through my logs sometime.

  6. Oh My God, that is sad and funny at the same!

  7. Solo larping, like maybe "practice larp"?

    Either way, that's rough.

  8. I did a few posts on women fighters in history, and 'topless swordfighting' led at least one person to them. But yours tops that easily.

  9. What!? You all don't do it? I'm slarping right now.

  10. @Telecanter: Slarping! Awesome!! Hahaha!!

  11. Actually, the honorable thing to do is post some solo LARPing rules as you Google Penance.
