Friday, August 6, 2010

Downloadable Archives of Eiglophian Press and Quantique

As some of you know, yesterday it became apparent that the creative and influential blogger G. Benedicto suddenly dropped offline. G.'s three blogs - Eiglophian Press, Quantique, and SF/F Booklog - have all gone dead, and his blogger profile is no longer accessible.

Although I am sure G. has good reasons for his departure from the online world, it is a sad loss for those of us who followed his blogs. Eiglophian Press in particular had a rather large following inspired by its creative and entertaining content ranging from gaming, to sf/f literature, to comics. I especially appreciated G.'s bent towards the more weird and fantastic corners of our daydreamish pastimes.

Luckily for us fans of G. Benedicto's postings, blog reader Restless assembled PDF web archives of the entire content of Eiglophian Press and Quantique. I have posted these archive files on my own server for you to download. While we are lucky that the content of G.'s posts have been saved, unfortunately all of the reader comments have been lost.


  1. Thanks for posting these, they'll be good to have.

  2. Thanks! I hope he comes back soon!

    Word verification: gaming!

  3. How will I ever use all my excess bandwidth on my webhost now? ;-)

  4. Huh. Hopefully he'll be back.

  5. @Restless: Any chance on your method for making those PDFs?
    I hadd already gotten both the EP, and the Q feeds into Reader, but I can't seem to find any obvious tools to export a feed like that.

  6. I used Google Reader Print Button, a Greasemonkey script. Just get all of the articles in one page, hit the print all button and output it with a print driver that dumps to PDF (I use PDFCreator.

  7. Whoa. How did I miss this? Thanks Restless and Cyclo! This is highly useful.
