Friday, May 6, 2011

Mentzer's TSR Belt Buckle Collection

Here's an amazing image recently posted by Frank Mentzer over at The Acaeum:

Holy smokes I would look sexy sporting a fabulous double-lizardman buckle like that... Just wow!


  1. Wow, that lizardman buckle IS awesome! I totally think I could pull it off ;).

  2. Very cool. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

  3. I would've killed to have one of those sweet wizard buckles as a wee one.

    My extended family had A VERY SERIOUS DISCUSSION in the 80s about how they couldn't buy Proctor & Gamble products anymore because the company logo--a wizard dude with stars--had "666" hidden in it. (Check The Googles if you aren't familiar with the controversy.)

    Given that they were already agitated by the evils of D&D, and those buckles would've blown their collective minds.

  4. dayummmmmm

    I have a new eBay quest now.

  5. Very apropos, those lizard men. Who will be the first to get an email that it's back in stock at Noble Knight? :)

  6. Wow! Never knew that these existed.
    Back in the early nineties there was a Planescape belt buckle and that was stunning.

  7. Very cool! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. Holly shit, it is real! :O

    I remember reading the treasure charts in first edition Gamma World, and (besides references to the movies Animal House and Sleeper) it noted a strange item: 60. Small pewter belt buckle -- with cryptic writing (TSR Hobbies)

    I was always curious about that item. I did not know if it was a joke item (given the unusual items on that list), or one of TSR's countless product placements. That first buckle kicks ass! =D

  9. All of you would look horrible in that +3 Buckle of the Lizardmen. But I happen to know someone who'd look hawt in it...

  10. I've seen a few different belt buckles from TSR come up on eBay every now and then but not all of those and it is nice seeing them all together in one photo. Thanks for sharing that.

  11. I'm not trying to kill the mood, but why were these things created? Did TSR run a rodeo for a while and have a need to give out prizes or something? Was it purely an aspect of 1980s madness?

  12. Wow these buckles are very nice. I liked it but i am looking for some vintage belt buckle for my new pair of jeans.Please provide some helpful information.

  13. Hi... In case anybody is interested, I just listed a couple of these buckles on Ebay (12/10/2011). Here are the links:
