Thursday, February 10, 2011

Orccon: Game Preregistration Full

This is just a quick note that all pre-regsitration slots have been filled for my February 19 Gamma World and OD&D/Spelljammer Orccon games. There are still three first-come first-served slots open for each game, however. If you want to join in these sessions I strongly recommend you plan ahead to sign-up in person immediately when you get to the con - the earlier the better.

You can still get a discount pre-registration for the con until Feb 14, I believe. CLICK HERE.

See y'all there!


  1. I desperately want to play a game with you! I can only imagine...

  2. @Jonathan - Let me know if you're ever in O.C. and I'll personally see to it that your stein overflows with cyclopeojuice. I will gently take your hand and turn your fantasy into a reality.ity.ity.ity.ity...
