Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Obscure 80s Swords & Sorcery Movie Trailers

Not all S&S actually, there's also a nice post-apocalyptic trailer featuring Patrick Swayze thrown in there (thanks Big Buck!)...

WARNING: One or more of these trailers may have boobs in them! If you are outraged by boob imagery please surf yourself to the next website. Thank you, friends.


  1. I think that the narrator of the Warrior and sorceress is Peter "Optimus Prime" Cullen too.. but I could be mistaken..

  2. hee hee, I own most of these on VHS.

  3. I'd love to see some of them. But a lot of them aren't on dvd, or were and are now out of print.

    Personally i thought Hawk the Slayer was pretty good.. not as good as Krull or Ladyhawke.. but not terrible.. The Ator and Deathstalker movies though are supposedly be exceptionally bad..

  4. Conquest is the only one of these I've ever failed to see. "Hawk the Slayer" was the D&D movie in my area, it used to play on the CBS late-night movie fairly frequently. Beast-Master 2 is just simply dreadful.

  5. When it comes to sword & sorcery movies, boobs are the package deal. You cant have a good S&S movie without them - save for the Scorpion King, but that was a terrible oversight!

  6. Classics - all of them! Someone could make a killing releasing these on DVD ;)

  7. I'm going to have to check these out, sooner or alter. Have you seen the movie "The Dungeonmaster" with Richard Moll?

  8. Dude, this is a great post, thank you! May I add the "Deathstalker" trilogy? Check out this funny overview here: http://www.cinemassacre.com/2010/03/13/deathstalker-movie-review/

    BTW "Dungeonmaster" is now available via streaming in Netflix. Watched it the other day *chuckle*.

  9. Hi. Just popped in to see what you were up too. I'm a new reader to your blog. Loved the boob warning, so funny.

    Happy Holidays.

  10. @Lagomorph, if you want to check out one of the Ator movies, Netflix has the MST3K episode Cave Dwellers on Instant Streaming.

    "Just how much Keefe is in this movie anyway?"
    "Miles O'Keefe!"

  11. Conquest is probably the biggest boobfest!
    Dungeonmaster is funny just to see Bull of Nightcourt as a villain.
    My most recent S*S discovery was the Indonesan movie Devil Sword, available from Mondo Macabre. Awesome stuff!

  12. Man, Italy was pumping out some GREAT (i.e. terrible but fun) swords & sorcery stuff back then. We were on a whole Sabrina Siani/Studio Milano II kick fo a while there. Lion Man from Turkey is another must see.

  13. DEATHSTALKER trailer added by popular demand!

  14. Talk about stock footage, the opening tavern brawl scene occurs in BOTH the Deathstalker and Warrior/Sorceress trailers! Not only that, but the "unbreakable sword" mentioned in Warrior/Sorceress appears to be the same sword that is used in Deathstalker.

    There may be more examples of recycling, but I only watched the first two clips.

  15. They're the same; I just caught it myself and (mistakenly) thought I was the first. Dang it.

    Anyway, I'm posting screen caps on my blog.

  16. Talk about stock footage, the opening tavern brawl scene occurs in BOTH the Deathstalker and Warrior/Sorceress trailers!

    This is why I originally didn't post the Deathstalker trailer. Not sure why they're using the same footage...?

  17. Can't get enough of that rockin' synth flute in Hawk.

  18. And there was me thinking Hawk the Slayer was a mainstream movie!
