Monday, December 13, 2010

Gary Gygax Tattoo!

By Cortney "Fett" Fettinger, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Apparently this guy regularly does D&D theme tattoos. He should get a booth at GenCon next year, he'd probably make a killing marking up all that geek flesh... Here's more:


  1. This is very different. Show your geekdom with a tat. The D20 and the last beholder are particularly nice. Would I do it? Absolutely not. :D

  2. I have thought about doing something like a D&D style tat, but more along the lines of a mural/sleeve rather than just a single image. Though, I will say, I really like the d20 one.

  3. I've been thinking about getting a Thought Eater tattoo... or maybe a Beholder or Intellect Devourer...?
