Monday, November 1, 2010

October Blog Rankings: IN PLACES DEEP is King!

Here's a list of 216 old school roleplaying-related blogs ranked by the number of followers they gained in October. I am ranking blogs using this system - as opposed to raw follower number - in order to determine which blogs are "hottest" without being biased by how long a blog has been around.

I am pretty excited about this list because unlike my last effort it has a ton of data for newer and less well-known blogs. My main motivation for making this list is to highlight the blogs that are currently attracting the most reader attention irregardless of the blogs' age.

My usual blogometric caveats apply: (1) This list only has blogs because follower numbers are not publicly available for WordPress blogs. (2) Yes, I know some blogs are missing. If your blog is on my big blog list as of today, it will be in the next ranking. If your blog is not on my list and you want to be included, please send me the link.

Please go HERE to find direct links to all of these blogs, as well as the fine WordPress blogs I sadly could not include here.

Congratulations to Evan (In Places Deep) and Loquacious (World of Wonder) for rocking the blogosphere so hard over the last month! Keep it up!

1 In Places Deep 12 51 39
2 World of Wonder 17 52 35
3 HUGE RUINED PILE 81 111 30
4 GROGNARDIA 656 685 29
4 Cyclopeatron 123 152 29
5 A Paladin In Citadel 176 198 22
5 Destination Unknown 92 114 22
6 The Blog That Time Forgot 45 66 21
7 B/X BLACKRAZOR 170 190 20
7 Hill Cantons 30 50 20
7 The Hopeless Gamer 155 175 20
8 Beyond the Black Gate 228 247 19
8 FightingFantasist 29 48 19
9 Playing D&D With Porn Stars 522 538 16
9 The Grumpy Old Troll 11 27 16
10 Akratic Wizardry 115 130 15
10 Daddy Grognard 101 116 15
10 Henchman Abuse 2 17 15
10 Risus Monkey 60 75 15
11 The Tao of D&D 120 134 14
12 "It's okay; Gary sent us." 76 89 13
12 Carjacked Seraphim 51 64 13
12 Countdown to Game Time 1 14 13
12 Crawdads and Dragons 16 29 13
12 Roles, Rules, and Rolls 41 54 13
12 Dungeons and Digressions 166 178 12
13 Dungeonskull Mountain 65 77 12
13 Swords Against the Outer Dark 130 142 12
13 The Underdark Gazette 153 165 12
13 Trollsmyth 149 161 12
14 From the Sorcerer's Skull 85 96 11
14 Greyhawk Grognard 147 158 11
14 I SEE LEAD PEOPLE 157 168 11
14 Lawful Indifferent 28 39 11
14 LotFP: RPG 263 274 11
14 THE LAND OF NOD 76 87 11
15 New Fish In An Old School 6 16 10
15 Some King's Kent 14 24 10
15 The Society of Torch, Pole and Rope 186 196 10
16 Dungeonmum 77 86 9
16 Jasoomian Dreams 26 35 9
16 Lord of the Green Dragons 214 223 9
16 Sorcery & Super Science! 32 41 9
16 Tales from the Flaming Faggot 35 44 9
16 The Contemptible Cube of Quazar 26 35 9
17 Age of Ravens 23 31 8
17 aldeboran 50 58 8
17 Axe & Hammer 69 77 8
17 Errant 9 17 8
17 Tempora Mutantur 4 12 8
17 The Gallery: Russ Nicholson 133 141 8
18 Bat in the Attic 152 159 7
18 Discourse and Dragons 59 66 7
18 How to Start a Revolution in 21 Days or Less 113 120 7
18 I Waste The Buddha With My Crossbow 77 84 7
18 Sickly Purple Death Ray 67 74 7
18 The RPG Corner 115 122 7
18 What a horrible night to have a curse… 58 65 7
19 5 Stone Games 22 28 6
19 Back in '81 97 103 6
19 Beyond the Wall 18 24 6
19 ChicagoWiz's RPG Blog 222 228 6
19 Delta's D&D Hotspot 78 84 6
19 Gaming All Over The Place 8 14 6
19 Telecanter's Receding Rules 99 105 6
19 The 25 Mile Hex 9 15 6
19 The City of Iron 3 9 6
19 The Metal Earth 47 53 6
19 The Omnipotent Eye 41 47 6
19 The Other Side blog 86 92 6
20 Aeons & Augauries 63 68 5
20 Carto Cacography 33 38 5
20 Fabled Lands 49 54 5
20 Gothridge Manor 91 96 5
20 Green Skeleton Gaming Guild 81 86 5
20 In a Dark Cell 2 7 5
20 Jeffs Gameblog 380 385 5
20 KOK'ed Dice 16 21 5
20 Like Being Read To From Dictionaries 36 41 5
20 OEF 107 112 5
20 Reviews from R'lyeh 38 43 5
20 Save Vs. Poison 71 76 5
20 Sword and Board 43 48 5
20 The Doomed Wastelands 22 27 5
20 The Savage AfterWorld 92 97 5
20 Threads of Adventure! 31 36 5
20 Tombs of Horrors 16 21 5
20 Where'd my Vorpal Sword Go? 14 19 5
21 A Wizard in a bottle 21 25 4
21 AD&D Grognard 7 11 4
21 Bugbears for Breakfast 8 12 4
21 Forgotten Runes 27 31 4
21 Havards Blackmoor Blog 82 86 4
21 of Pedantry 1 5 4
21 Oubliette Magazine 26 30 4
21 Rule of the Dice 49 53 4
21 Rustfoot 34 38 4
21 SAVE OR DIE! 20 24 4
21 Tenkar's Tavern 59 63 4
21 The Grand Tapestry 120 124 4
21 The Keep on the Gaming Lands 106 110 4
21 The Lair of the Evil DM 135 139 4
21 Tower of the Archmage 49 53 4
21 Weird Worlds of Geoffrey McKinney 57 61 4
22 A Hamsterish Hoard of Dungeons and Dragons 71 74 3
22 Asshat Paladins 35 38 3
22 Bloody 20s 14 17 3
22 HeroPress 122 125 3
22 Joethelawyer's Wondrous Imaginings 95 98 3
22 Let's Make Believe 14 17 3
22 Musings from Myern 4 7 3
22 Ode to Black Dougal 123 126 3
22 Places to Go, People to Be 32 35 3
22 Quickly, Quietly, Carefully 6 9 3
22 SWORD & SHIELD 29 32 3
22 The Warlock's Home Brew 88 91 3
22 The Weirdlands of Xhuul 22 25 3
22 Trollish Delver 19 22 3
23 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition 31 33 2
23 Archive of the Rotted Moon 28 30 2
23 Back to the Dungeon! 55 57 2
23 Castle Dragonscar 43 45 2
23 Drawings & Dragons 42 44 2
23 Embrace the Dungeon! 8 10 2
23 GAME SNOB 7 9 2
23 Grimmhaus 62 64 2
23 malevolent & benign 35 37 2
23 Maximum Rock & Role Playing 41 43 2
23 My RPG characters 14 16 2
23 No Signal! 11 13 2
23 Old Guard Gaming Accoutrements 117 119 2
23 Penguin Overlord 2 4 2
23 Ramblings of a Gentleman Gamer 12 14 2
23 Semper Initiativus Unum 35 37 2
23 Spell Card! 33 35 2
23 Stocking The Dungeon 17 19 2
23 Swords of Minaria 30 32 2
23 The Burning Wastes 4 6 2
23 The Delve 41 43 2
23 The Library: Retro and Classic Fantasy Games 40 42 2
23 The Moldy Vale 29 31 2
23 The Realm of Zhu 7 9 2
23 Unfrozen caveman dice-chucker 14 16 2
23 Vaults of Nagoh 63 65 2
24 Attack Plan R 10 11 1
24 Beacon 6 7 1
24 BigDungeon 8 9 1
24 chirine's workbench 33 34 1
24 Creative Mountain Games 10 11 1
24 ENCOUNTER 19 20 1
24 EXONAUTS! 51 52 1
24 For A Fistful Of Coppers 27 28 1
24 gnotions 17 18 1
24 In Like Flynn 40 41 1
24 Iron Rationales 16 17 1
24 Kingdoms in Trevail 21 22 1
24 Knightvision Games - Two Knights, One Vision 1 2 1
24 Mike's Amazing RPG Fun Pad 21 22 1
24 Monsters and Manuals 176 177 1
24 No School Like The Old School 11 12 1
24 O RPG da Vida Real 7 8 1
24 Old School Heretic 41 42 1
24 PLANET ALGOL 94 95 1
24 Rather Gamey 2 3 1
24 Redbeard's Ravings 15 16 1
24 Saturday Night Sandbox 28 29 1
24 Sham's Grog 'n Blog 101 102 1
24 Shouting Into The Void 34 35 1
24 Superhero Necromancer 46 47 1
24 Swords of Abandon 28 29 1
24 Tankards & Broadswords 117 118 1
24 Teleleli 8 9 1
24 Terminal Space 49 50 1
24 The Badger King's Den 15 16 1
24 The Frothy Friar 46 47 1
24 The Nine and Thirty Kingdoms 65 66 1
24 The Paradigm Traveler 7 8 1
24 The Polyhedral Dicebag 22 23 1
24 The Purple Wurm 2 3 1
24 The Vorpal Spork 24 25 1
24 The Wasted Lands 60 61 1
24 Tremulous Antennae 8 9 1
24 Troll and Flame 70 71 1
24 Uhluht'c Awakens 76 77 1
Blood of Prokopius 34 34 0
Cimmerian Chronicles 16 16 0
Coffee swillin' analog gamer 33 33 0
DungeonCurmudgeon 1 1 0
elves ate my homework 49 49 0
Fame & Fortune 16 16 0
MF WARS 10 10 0
Middenmurk 23 23 0
Polar Bear Dreams and Stranger Things 20 20 0
Prime Requisite Games™ 25 25 0
Rocket-Propelled Game 12 12 0
Romance Monsoon 11 11 0
RPG Blog II 127 127 0
Swashbuckler's Hideout 39 39 0
The Dragon's Eye 2 2 0
The Hydra's Grotto 15 15 0
The Incredible Fétide Grigou Rôliste Show 7 7 0
The Lands of Ara 37 37 0
The Zonked World of Holmold 1 1 0
There's a Bugbear in my Kitchen! 39 39 0
Tower of Zenopus 9 9 0
Valley of Blue Snails 35 35 0
Visions of Paradise 7 7 0
Warning - Mutagenic Substance 61 61 0
Wilderlands of Runequest 18 18 0
Dungeon Mistress 58 57 -1

Dead Blogs Removed from List (content removed or inaccessible):
American Barbarica, Bite the Bulette, The Devil's Janitor, The Grumpy Celt, Welcome to Dungeon!


  1. Oh wow! Congratulations Evan and thank you for compiling this list each month, cyclopeatron!

  2. Congratulations to Evan and to everyone else as well!

  3. Amazing work, congratulations to all concerned (but especially Cyclopeatron for the monumental task of compiling all the data!)

  4. Amazing work, congratulations to all concerned (but especially Cyclopeatron for the monumental task of compiling all the data!)

    Thanks! Actually it's not that big of a deal... If you go to "Manage Blogs" in you can see all of the blog follower numbers. I just copy these numbers into a spreadsheet.

    This whole exercise is a little silly in a way, but I keep it up because everyone seems to like it, and I think it actually is doing a good job of highlighting some fine blogs that readers may not have heard of before.

  5. Heads up on another blog:

    Once again, a fascinating list. Thanks for coming up with the idea of collecting all these stats.

  6. A great service you're providing here Cyclopeatron, best place to find new and exciting blogs. Thank you :)

  7. Wow, I'm stunned! I knew I was growing: I kept track from mid October and had a stretch of 2 new followers a day; but I had no IDEA I'd grown THAT much.

    I do want to add that I'm not really Old School. I'm a 2nd gen girl and never played OD&D; nor do I do any retro-clones. Does that disqualify me from the list?

  8. Number 10!

    Do you plan to update the rankings by numbers of followers in total or just the numbers acquired in the month?

  9. Regardless of the complexity of the task, this is awesome. As Dungeonmum said, this is the single best place to find new blogs worth following. I know I've found at least five or six from your blog-list.

  10. Crazy, guess I wasn't following the number of followers I had gained over the month. But to have Hill Cantons tie for 7th alongside blogs I have tremendous respect for even crazier.

  11. Also #10. I can see Cyclopeatron's rank favoritism here, he's put you above me. I will crush you, Daddy Grognard. CRUSH YOU!

    Thanks for all the hard work, and for the free advertising we get from your efforts, Cyclopeatron.

    And people, remember, vote Henchman Abuse, or I _will_ kill another henchman.

  12. I want to echo Loquacious's surprise. I had no idea that was coming.


  13. Holy guacamole that's a lot of work! Well done, sir!

  14. You can remove Mandragora. It's a dead blog (i.e., I'm not going ever going to update it again, and if/when I revisit the setting, it'll be on the new blog). Thanks! :)

  15. I do want to add that I'm not really Old School. I'm a 2nd gen girl and never played OD&D; nor do I do any retro-clones. Does that disqualify me from the list?

    I guess I kind of include "sympathizer" RPG blogs like World of Wonder, KOK'ed Dice, and The Other Side because they are written by bloggers who are active community members that regularly read and comment on the more straight-up old school blogs.

  16. You can remove Mandragora. It's a dead blog (i.e., I'm not going ever going to update it again, and if/when I revisit the setting, it'll be on the new blog). Thanks! :)

    Thanks for the notice! I will mark Mandragora as INACTIVE. I reserve the DEAD category for blogs that have pulled all their content offline.

  17. Well, this is a very neat list indeed Cyclopeatron! I'll be honest that I just started following your blog a couple of weeks ago, but this is a really useful resource for aspiring bloggers out there to see who the "big boys" of gaming blogs are out there. It gives me something nice to aspire to :)

    Congratulations to In Places Deep and everyone else for kicking ass! I really appreciate this list as it starts to get my competitive juices flowing!

  18. Cyclopeatron: thanks for being so inclusive! I appreciate this just as much as the rest of the crew. You do some great stuff for us to enjoy, and we thank you!

  19. Do you plan to update the rankings by numbers of followers in total or just the numbers acquired in the month?

    Tomorrow I will post an updated ranking-by-follower.

  20. Hey, I am 17th!

    And I am not even posting that much, focusing instead on my alpha distribution....

    Speaking of which....

    Where is my feedback from Cyclopeatron....

    Still looking....

  21. @ Loquacious - I don't go any further back than 2e either (shhhh!), but am very happy to be embraced by the OSR, I don't think the 4e crowd would have me.
