Tuesday, November 2, 2010

234 Roleplaying Blogs Ranked by Follower

In response to requests I've received, here is an updated listing of 234 old schoolish roleplaying blogs ranked by follower. The follower numbers are from 1 November 2010. You can find links to all of these blogs HERE.

My usual blogometric caveats apply: (1) This list only has blogger.com blogs because follower numbers are not publicly available for WordPress blogs. (2) Yes, I know some blogs are missing. If your blog is not on the list and you want to be included next time, please send me the link. Sorry, I won't go back and update this post when I receive new links! (3) Blogroll aggregator sites were not included.

2 Playing D&D With Porn Stars 538
3 Jeffs Gameblog 385
4 LotFP: RPG 274
5 Beyond the Black Gate 247
6 ChicagoWiz's RPG Blog 228
7 Lord of the Green Dragons 223
8 A Paladin In Citadel 198
9 The Society of Torch, Pole and Rope 196
11 Dungeons and Digressions 178
12 Monsters and Manuals 177
13 The Hopeless Gamer 175
15 The Underdark Gazette 165
16 Trollsmyth 161
17 Bat in the Attic 159
18 Greyhawk Grognard 158
19 Cyclopeatron 152
20 Swords Against the Outer Dark 142
21 The Gallery: Russ Nicholson 141
22 The Lair of the Evil DM 139
23 The Tao of D&D 134
24 Akratic Wizardry 130
25 RPG Blog II 127
26 Ode to Black Dougal 126
27 HeroPress 125
28 The Grand Tapestry 124
29 The RPG Corner 122
30 How to Start a Revolution in 21 Days or Less 120
31 Old Guard Gaming Accoutrements 119
32 Tankards & Broadswords 118
33 Daddy Grognard 116
35 Destination Unknown 114
36 OEF 112
38 The Keep on the Gaming Lands 110
39 Telecanter's Receding Rules 105
40 Back in '81 103
41 Sham's Grog 'n Blog  102
42 Joethelawyer's Wondrous Imaginings 98
43 The Savage AfterWorld 97
44 From the Sorcerer's Skull 96
45 Gothridge Manor 96
47 The Other Side blog 92
48 The Warlock's Home Brew 91
49 "It's okay; Gary sent us." 89
51 Dungeonmum 86
52 Green Skeleton Gaming Guild 86
53 Havards Blackmoor Blog 86
54 Delta's D&D Hotspot 84
55 I Waste The Buddha With My Crossbow 84
56 Axe & Hammer 77
57 Dungeonskull Mountain 77
58 Uhluht'c Awakens 77
59 Save Vs. Poison 76
60 Risus Monkey 75
61 A Hamsterish Hoard of Dungeons and Dragons 74
62 Sickly Purple Death Ray 74
63 Troll and Flame 71
64 Aeons & Augauries 68
66 Discourse and Dragons 66
67 The Blog That Time Forgot 66
68 The Nine and Thirty Kingdoms 66
69 Savage Swords of Athanor 65
70 Vaults of Nagoh 65
71 What a horrible night to have a curse... 65
72 Carjacked Seraphim 64
73 Grimmhaus 64
74 Tenkar's Tavern 63
75 The Wasted Lands 61
76 Warning - Mutagenic Substance 61
77 Weird Worlds of Geoffrey McKinney 61
78 aldeboran 58
79 Back to the Dungeon! 57
80 Dungeon Mistress 57
81 Fabled Lands 54
82 Roles, Rules, and Rolls 54
83 Rule of the Dice 53
84 The Metal Earth 53
85 Tower of the Archmage 53
87 World of Wonder 52
88 In Places Deep 51
89 Hill Cantons 50
90 Terminal Space 50
91 elves ate my homework 49
92 FightingFantasist 48
93 Sword and Board 48
94 Superhero Necromancer 47
95 The Frothy Friar 47
96 The Omnipotent Eye 47
97 Mandragora: The Mandrake March 46
98 Castle Dragonscar 45
99 Drawings & Dragons 44
100 Tales from the Flaming Faggot 44
101 Maximum Rock & Role Playing 43
102 Reviews from R'lyeh 43
103 The Delve 43
104 Old School Heretic 42
105 The Library: Retro and Classic Fantasy Games. 42
107 Unofficial Games 42
108 In Like Flynn 41
109 Like Being Read To From Dictionaries 41
110 Sorcery & Super Science! 41
111 Lawful Indifferent 39
112 Swashbuckler's Hideout 39
113 There's a Bugbear in my Kitchen! 39
114 Asshat Paladins 38
115 Carto Cacography 38
116 Rustfoot 38
117 malevolent & benign 37
118 Semper Initiativus Unum 37
119 The Lands of Ara 37
120 Threads of Adventure! 36
121 Jasoomian Dreams 35
122 Places to Go, People to Be 35
123 Shouting Into The Void 35
124 Spell Card! 35
125 The Contemptible Cube of Quazar 35
126 Valley of Blue Snails 35
127 Blood of Prokopius 34
128 chirine's workbench 34
129 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition 33
130 Coffee swillin' analog gamer 33
132 Swords of Minaria 32
133 Age of Ravens 31
134 Forgotten Runes 31
135 The Moldy Vale 31
136 Archive of the Rotted Moon 30
137 Oubliette Magazine 30
138 Appendix N 29
139 Crawdads and Dragons 29
140 Have dice, will travel… 29
141 Saturday Night Sandbox 29
142 Swords of Abandon 29
143 5 Stone Games 28
144 For A Fistful Of Coppers 28
145 The Book of Worlds 28
146 The Doomed Wastelands 27
147 The Grumpy Old Troll 27
148 A Wizard in a bottle 25
149 El RagnaBlog 25
150 Prime Requisite Games™ 25
151 The Vorpal Spork 25
152 The Weirdlands of Xhuul 25
153 Beyond the Wall 24
154 SAVE OR DIE! 24
155 Some King's Kent 24
156 Middenmurk 23
157 The Polyhedral Dicebag 23
158 Kingdoms in Trevail 22
159 Mike's Amazing RPG Fun Pad 22
160 Trollish Delver 22
162 KOK'ed Dice 21
163 Tombs of Horrors 21
165 Polar Bear Dreams and Stranger Things 20
166 Stocking The Dungeon 19
167 Where'd my Vorpal Sword Go? 19
168 gnotions 18
169 Wilderlands of Runequest 18
170 Bloody 20s 17
171 Errant 17
172 Henchman Abuse 17
173 Iron Rationales 17
174 Let's Make Believe 17
175 Cimmerian Chronicles 16
176 Fame & Fortune 16
177 My RPG characters 16
178 New Fish In An Old School 16
179 Redbeard's Ravings 16
180 The Badger King's Den 16
181 Unfrozen caveman dice-chucker 16
182 The 25 Mile Hex 15
183 The Hydra's Grotto 15
184 Countdown to Game Time 14
185 Gaming All Over The Place 14
186 Grevious-Injury 14
187 Ramblings of a Gentleman Gamer 14
188 No Signal! 13
189 Bugbears for Breakfast 12
190 Cthulhu's Library 12
191 No School Like The Old School 12
192 Rocket-Propelled Game 12
193 Tempora Mutantur 12
194 AD&D Grognard 11
195 Attack Plan R 11
196 Creative Mountain Games 11
197 Romance Monsoon 11
198 The Old Forest 11
199 Embrace the Dungeon! 10
200 MF WARS 10
201 BigDungeon 9
203 Hack & Slash 9
205 Notes From Under the Kyak 9
206 Quickly, Quietly, Carefully 9
207 Tales from the Dusty Vault 9
208 Teleleli 9
209 The City of Iron 9
210 The Realm of Zhu 9
211 Tower of Zenopus 9
212 Tremulous Antennae 9
213 Lances to Lasers - A gaming blog 8
214 O RPG da Vida Real 8
215 The Blue Gnoll 8
216 The Paradigm Traveler 8
217 Beacon 7
218 In a Dark Cell 7
219 Musings from Myern 7
220 Over the Misty Mountain 7
221 The Incredible Fétide Grigou Rôliste Show 7
222 Visions of Paradise 7
223 The Burning Wastes 6
224 The Dragon's Musing 6
225 Digital Orc 5
226 of Pedantry 5
227 Penguin Overlord 4
228 Rather Gamey 3
229 The Purple Wurm 3
230 Knightvision Games - Two Knights, One Vision 2
231 The Dragon's Eye 2
232 DungeonCurmudgeon 1
233 The Zonked World of Holmold 1

Blogs left out (due to error or late update). Sorry 'bout that!

Apprentice Of Old School - 5 followers (German)
Old School Psionics - 7 followers
Redwald RPG - 5 followers

Out of respect to our friends using WordPress, here's a list of excellent RPG blogs I was unable to rank:

A character for every game
Ancient Vaults & Eldritch Secrets
Swords & Dorkery 
Joeskythedungeonbrawler's Blog 
Lord Kilgore 
Lost Papers of Tsojcanth 
Mule Abides
Paul's Blog
Robertson Games 
Rolang's Creeping Doom
Tales of the Rambling Bumblers 
The Dwarf and the Basilisk 
The Red Box Blog 
Your Dungeon is Suck  
Zombie World
משחק בתיאוריה‬


  1. Hmm..down from 29 to 33. That'll teach me to ask for tables by follower number!

    That having been said, lots of new blogs for me to investigate. I've also been having a look at my stat counter data and boy, is that interesting to view!

  2. #32, Eat it, Daddy...

    Actually, not bad for me since I haven't posted anything in over a month (just rectified that).

  3. #43 here and couldn't be more pleased to be in such good company. If I can just get three more followers so I have an even hundred... (hint to anyone interested in post-apocalyptic gonzo goodness!)

    Thanks for compiling this! Very interesting, and a great list of blogs to pursue!

  4. No "Your Dungeon Is Suck"?? :)

    Actually I'm just trying to speed up the eventual "treatment" of these blogometric posts by YDIS!

    Seriously though, thanks for pointing that out. It turns out this post is actually missing several blogs (especially WordPress) off of the RPG Blog List link page. It's a pain in the butt trying to keep these lists synchronized. I'll try to fix this post in the next few days.

    WordPress bloggers please accept my apologies in the mean time...

  5. There's lot of great stuff out there to read and plenty of creatively named blogs too. It occurred to me that there's not blog titled, Never Split The Party, yet.

  6. 204! I think I actually gained a couple followers from this post, so thanks Cyclopeatron!

  7. I would call your attention to one more great RPG'ing blog, "Back Screen Pass" (43 Followers):

    Great work here, thanks!

  8. Thanks for the shout out, Carter (back screen pass), as well as the link to this post: I had no idea my mutant future blog (Warning - Mutagenic Substance) was the #76 blog in the land. Guess I better get my posting in gear and get me some more followers!

    Thanks for the fun post and the great list of reading inspiration!

  9. Krikey! I'm near the top 50-ish?!
    I'm going to have to post stuff with actual relevance now. ;)

    Thanks for the publicity! I appreciate your work on this.


  10. As a footnote (thanks for the shout-out), the visibility you get on Blogger is seemingly better than on wordpress.

    I've been at it for nearly 2 years on wordpress, and get about 500-700 viewers a day.

    And have 6 Subscribers.



  11. @ Dyson: And here I've been reading your blog since before I started blogging!
