Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mini-Con Update - New Sessions Added!

There's been a very high level of interest in the August 14th SoCal Mini-Con in Anaheim. It's still over a month away and sessions are already filling up. As of right now we have 8 games scheduled! Wow!

We just added TWO new games to the schedule: Tavis Allison's OD&D game at 9am, and Joseph Goodman's Dungeon Crawl Classics playtest at 2pm. If you want to reserve a seat for any of these games CLICK HERE and leave a Comment.

  1. T. Foster: AD&D - GAME FULL
  2. Christian: Labyrinth Lord - GAME FULL
  3. Tavis Allison: OD&D - Still openings!

  1. Cyclopeatron: Gamma World - GAME FULL
  2. Ironface: Labyrinth Lord - Still openings!
  3. Joe Goodman: Dungeon Crawl Classics - Still openings!

  1. Brunomac: OD&D - GAME FULL
  2. Cimmerian: Urutsk - Still openings!

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