Friday, January 17, 2020

Should I revive this blog?

So, I'm thinking about signing up to run a game at GenCon this year (2020). Probably a 5e overhaul of the CACODAEMON TRANSLUCENT PLANETOID scenario I ran at SoCal Minicon in 2011 (see review of session by Telecanter here). Cosmic horror Spelljammer essentially.

I'd love to talk about this, and other material, some more. Share art. etc.

Also, I'm thinking about starting this blog again after... um... 6 years...?

Is anyone still out there?

Are blogs still even a thing anymore?



  1. Blogs are all I read online any more. No more Facebook or forums. OTOH, I don't play 5e,bu b if your posts aren't system specific, then I'll continue to keep you in my feed.

  2. I play 5e and your blog is still in my RSS feed, so I will be here :)

  3. Blogs are IMO still a thing. Blogs are a great place for someone to share their thoughts and ideas. I am an OD&D ref, I do not specifically follow newer versions; however, that said, I find usable ideas almost everywhere. Please restart your blog here, I am sure you have a lot to say that will prove useful to many in one way or another. Sadly too many great blogs have shuttered there doors over the years, even sadder many have hidden themselves from pubic view and much, much sadder some of have been deleted altogether. Set a new trend by bringing yours back.

    Yes, people still read blogs, post away and your readers will return.

  4. Go for it man. Some of us are still listening.

  5. I just returned to mine after a year long hiatus. Bring it on.

  6. Blogs are definitely still a thing, Bob! :D


  7. I would totally read your blog, should you wish to start posting again.

  8. I'm hoping the blogosphere will pick up again.
    I don't read reddit, which is where I guess most of the action has gone. I just don't like the format.
    There isn't a message board forum which really hits the spot.
    A good blog is still worthwhile & there's still a couple I read religiously & others I skim & sample.

  9. We're still here, my old friend! :) Come on back!

  10. Wow, thanks for the encouragement. I'm surprised that after 6 years you all kept Cyclopeatron on your feeds. Ok, let's go.

  11. Glad you're back! This was always one of my go-to blogs, along with Telecanter and few others now in limbo.
    And congrats on tenure!

  12. Bring it on back, Bob! I still follow a list of blogs, though I seem to be on a few Discord servers more often, nowadays.

  13. I asked myself the same question this morning: "Are [OSR] blogs still a thing?" Google gave me a list of 30+ blogs. I'm going through them now to see if they are active. Yours is the first without a post since November 2020. Most have at least one post already in December. They also have commenters, i.e. readers. Some of the blog names I recognize from years and years ago. My answer to the question is, Yes, blogs are still a thing, and a thriving community revolves around them. Please, do come back, Bob.
