Monday, May 10, 2010

My 16 Year Old Niece is a DM!

UPDATE (5/18): My niece set up her own blog called Dungeon Mistress to talk about her D&D campaign. Take a look!

I went to visit my mama yesterday and she passed along these clandestine photos of my 16 year old niece DMing an ALL-FEMALE D&D CAMPAIGN! This is a serious weekly campaign my niece is running, not a singleton pick-up game. My niece created the entire setting they are playing in - a world shattered by an epic historical struggle between factions of wizard-dragons. The players are trying to relearn the forgotten dragon magic to fight a horrifying zombie plague advancing from the northern tundra.

Uncle Cyclopeatron is so proud!

One of the girls in the game is working on a short video documentary about the campaign that will include the players providing in-character interviews. I'm very excited to see how this turns out - hopefully there will be some footage I can post here.

Behold these strange and rare images of high school girls in 2010 playing D&D (posted with permission of my niece):


  1. Where were girls like these in 1983? Seriously.

  2. It's just nice to see so many people that age playing the game.

  3. @Dungeonmum: Funny you say that - I actually asked her about blogging and she said "Teenagers can't blog. They have nothing to say yet except blah blah blah blah..."

  4. Second edition DM screen? Is that what I see? no minis or grid maps...excellent! She's old school huh?

    I agree, get her to blog, or do guest blogs on yours. Other kids might see it and give D&D a shot. Have her chat electronically with Timeshadows, Dungeonmum, or Odyssey about their blogs. I think Odyssey is in college, so the age difference may not be that great that they can communicate in the same language. I know I wouldn't understand teen-speak these days.

  5. @Joe: Yes, it is a 2e screen. She runs her own homebrew mash-up of 2e and 3.5e, from what I can tell. Her play style is thoroughly old school though, even though the OSR (or any other online activity) is totally off her radar. She gave up 4e because of the focus on minis and combat. I'm trying to get her to write up some of her work. She is very eloquent, writes well, and has a great imagination.

  6. You should invite your niece and her friends to the SoCalMiniCon, which I think will be in Huntington Beach this year (check over on Dragonsfoot for the latest). A great bunch of guys, and I would pay good money to see my 15 year old stepson stammer awkwardly :D

  7. @Wheggi: Not if Thorkhammer's gonna be there!

  8. Point. I'm even a bit concerned about my stepson . . . :O

  9. "Teenagers can't blog. They have nothing to say yet except blah blah blah blah..."

    Hey! I resemble that remark!

    Not a member of the teenage estate currently, but I was when I started the blog. If she does want to talk blogging or whatever I'm happy to chat, but otherwise I just wish her good luck and good gaming. The campaign she's running sounds pretty cool.

  10. Chello!


    First thing I noticed: Of course it's SOUTH Cali...there's DP on the table, not Mountain Dew!

    Second, my God, the DM could be my 14 and 12 y.o.'s cousin.

    Third, are you sure this is Cali? The only blonde is the DM. ;)

  11. hahha, Anthony I'm assuming you don't live here in SoCal. We're mostly a state of beautiful brunettes, with my redheads being the exception! :)

    BTW Cyclopeatron, too bad the girls are down in the OC. My 19 year old daughter plays as well, but we're just north of L.A.

  12. @cyclopeatron: tell your niece she has a hell of a lot of stuff to say. If she can DM for a group of friends then she can write about that, it doesn't have to be deep and meaningful, not many people are good at that at any age.
    Seriously though, if she started one up I'd follow right away.

  13. That is very awesome. You should be proud!

  14. Scooped by JoetheLawyer! I saw the 2nd Ed screen and was going to ask what edition she's playing. That's great to see - keep encouraging her!
